Models I love - Interview with Drew Leighty

It's been awhile since I've added to my interviews with gorgeous models, so what better way to start off 2016 than by conducting one with the handsome Drew Leighty. He's been a joy to interact with and from following his social media, I've learned he can be quite mischievous! He's also provided a huge selection of pictures for us to gawk, I mean look at (I really mean gawk). So enjoy!

Just a little disclaimer before starting. As with all the wonderful models I interview for my blog, their photos help support their livelihood. As such, they are providing their photos for the use on my blog with permission. Please do not copy, use, alter, or otherwise steal these photos. I do not condone photo piracy of models or book piracy of authors in any shape, form, or fashion.

Authors out there . . if you see something you like and think "Drew is the perfect model for my upcoming release!" then I hope you'll reach out to him and see what stock photos may be available; you may even choose to commission him for a cover idea you already have in mind! Contacting him is easy, just reach out to him via email He is available for many different types of modeling jobs, so make sure to contact him if you're interested. 

Keeping up with Drew Leighty is easy, just connect with him through his social media:




My interview with Drew

Me: Drew, how did you get started as a model?

Drew: I got started modeling because while playing college baseball I got injured which led me to sitting around a lot, watching TV, and searching ads as I needed money. I eventually saw an ad for an agency and I followed up and shot with Scott Hoover. Scott was actually the one who began introducing me to all the people in the business and found me most of my first jobs and agencies.

Me: Was modeling for book covers something you wanted to do or did it just find you?

Drew: Modeling for book covers found me. Actually I worked with Scott Hoover after not modeling for a while, and he introduced me to LovenBooks and they signed me over for a year. Now I’m trying to transition from modeling to acting.

Me: Of all the shoots you’ve done, which has been your favorite and why? 

Drew: I worked on a shoot for Painted Woman by Kameco, a blow drying salon. I think we did just about everything from shooting with paint, to a set full of naked women, one with a pink black and gold Lamborghini, with snakes, Mike Tyson’s tiger from “The Hangover,” wine, and more. 

Me: Where do you see yourself in five years? 

Drew: In five years I see myself on everyone’s TV screens ;)

Me: Is there anyone who has influenced you throughout your career? 

Drew: So many people have influenced me I wouldn’t be able to name them all. From my parents, my son and girlfriend, my friends, my employers, fellow models, my fans, trainers, athletes, etc. And I would really love to thank them all!

Me: If you could eat at any restaurant in the world every day, which would it be if you could only pick one?

Drew: In n Out, no doubt.

Me: Are you a reader? If so, what genre do you enjoy? 

Drew: Not really, modestly enough I really only read scripts and the books I grace the covers of.

Me: Star Wars or Star Trek? 

Drew: I’ve never seen Star Trek and I loved the new Star Wars.

Me: If you could work with another model, male or female, who would it be and why?

Drew: It would be Jennifer Anniston because she’s my celebrity crush.

Me: Tell us the answer to a question that no one ever asks, but you wish they would. What was the question?

Drew: The answer would be yes and the question - "May I buy you In n Out"

(Okay, ladies and gents - we now know the secret of getting to hang with Drew, just make sure you add the caveat that he has to join you at your table!)

Me: Describe your dream vacation.

Drew: All expenses paid trip to Fiji with my family. Living in a little cottage by the water, next to the best surf spot, with everything I need by my side (family, surfboard, snorkel, fins, spear, alcohol, AND In n Out).

Me: Do you always want to be a model or are you also perusing another career and what is it? 

Drew: I’m still in college, and at the moment besides being a dad my main focus is transitioning from model to actor.

Me: What does your family think about your modeling career?

Drew: Well for the most part they are all supportive. However both of my sisters are about to stop following my social media because of the amount of nudity displayed.

(Yeah... we don't plan on stopping anytime soon!)

Me: If you could go back in time and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?

Drew: Be you and do you. I want to remain true to who I am and how I act, and by doing you, I mean be selfish in a sense. Whatever you want to do just do it. Don’t let an obstacle stop you, don’t let critics stop you, don’t let fear stop you. There’s risk in everything we do but if we avoid the risk we’ve lost out on the opportunity for the reward.

Thanks so much to Drew for being a guest on my blog today and providing so many awesome photos! 

Don't forget to reach out to him if you are interested in any of his work at!

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